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Water & Sewer Rates

How Water and Sewer Rates are Calculated

Water rates are calculated annually, based on at least 3 years of historical costs; current costs and projected costs as well as historical, current and projected customer usage. Our rate model program then calculates the rates based on our need as an enterprise to cover the costs of operations, annual debt payments as well as a reserve to repair or upgrade our existing water mains. The rates are approved by our Board.

In the summer of 2014, the Town embarked on a study to review the Town’s water and sewer rates as well as the Town’s Plant Investment Fees (PIFs). After a request for proposal was issued, the Town hired Raftelis Financial Consultants for this study.  The rates for water and sewer as well as PIFs are based on this study. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Treasurer if you would like more information regarding this study.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your water bill, please contact our Utility Billing Department at 303-258-3266 Ext. 4010.

Water and Wastewaster Service Rate Study

Water and Sewer Base Rates

This fee is determined by the number of uses (units) and is billed monthly (for Commercial) and quarterly (for Residential) whether you have water usage (consumption) or not. It pays for the direct costs related to meter reading, customer service including billing, a portion of administrative costs and equipment, and the service related costs including routine water main maintenance. Additionally, it pays for annual debt payments as well as a reserve to repair or upgrade our existing water mains and treatment infrastructure.

A multiple dwelling unit exists if any of the following conditions exist, and will be billed for each use (unit):

  • There is more than one (1) meter for any utility;
  • There is more than one (1) address to the property

2025 Water and Sewer Rates

Water and sewer usage (consumption) rates are calculated based on the amount of water used/consumed monthly or quarterly. This pays for our state licensed personnel to treat and test your water, treatment equipment and other costs related to meeting state and federal Water Quality standards. Other costs paid from this charge are for general administration, accounting, engineering and all other operating expenses not paid by the Water and Sewer Base Fees.


2025 Commercial Water/Sewer Rates
 Water Base Fee - MonthlySewer Base Fee - MonthlyWater Usage per 1,000 gallonsSewer Usage per 1,000 gallons
All Meter Sizes - Per Use$23.34$65.44$11.36$10.77
Out of Town$35.01$98.16$17.04$16.16



2025 Residential Water/Sewer Rates
 Water Base Fee - QuarterlySewer Base Fee - QuarterlyWater Usage per each 1,000 gallonsSewer Usage per 1,000 gallons
All Meter Sizes - Per Use$47.76$170.58See Tiered Rates Below$10.77
Tiered Water Usage - In Town:    
0 - 3,000 gallons  $9.94 
3,001 - 14,000 gallons  $14.91 
14,001 & more  $19.89 
Out of Town$71.64$255.87See Tiered Rates Below$16.16
Tiered Water Usage - Out of Town:    
0 - 3,000 gallons  $14.91 
3,001 - 14,000 gallons  $22.37 
14,001 & more  $29.84 


Penalties & Reduction

Late Fees and Shut Offs

Payments for water and sewer bills are due within 30 days of the bill being mailed. Payments need to be received at Town Hall before close of business (5pm) to be considered on time (regardless of postmark date). If any portion of a balance remains unpaid at an aging of 30 days, 50 days, or 70 days, a late fee (5% of unpaid balance) will be assessed.  Also, at 70 days the Town of Nederland Water Department will commence the process of shutting off service and a fee ($75.00) will be added to the account. At this time a shut off notice (red tag) will be posted at the address of service. If we do not receive payment in full (cash or certified funds only) within 15 days of this notice, the water service will be discontinued.

Water and Sewer Rate Reduction Program

The goal of the water and sewer utility rate reduction program is to provide relief from Town utility bills for low-income elderly residents and disabled residents of the Town.  This program is intended to assist owners if their Nederland property is their primary and full-time residence, or for full-time resident tenants of property who pay the utility bill for such property.


Sale of Property


Transfer of property is normally handled by the Title Company completing the sale, and you do not need to call us to cancel your service. The Title Company will contact us to request an Escrow amount on your account. They will give us the closing date on your property and who the buyer will be. Your final bill will be paid by the Title Company with the escrow funds held by them at the closing. If they withheld more than you owe, they will refund you the difference.

Title Companies: Please use this form to request a final bill: Final Read Request-Property Transfer


For homes with existing taps: Please contact our Water Billing Department at 303-258-3266 Ext. 4010.  We will set up a new account for the property with your information and mail you your first bill when we send the next scheduled billing.

Also, as a property owner in Nederland, please become familiar with Chapter 13 of the Nederland Municipal Code. After a property transfer and/or sale, staff will be directed to locate and inspect your outdoor shutoff valve (curb box). If the curb box cannot be located and/or exorcised, please be advised that the homeowner will be responsible for locating and/or replacing this shutoff valve.

Per NMC, Sec. 13-55.  Service lines.  (e) Curb boxes and shutoff valves shall be kept accessible and in good repair at all times by the property owner.  If the Town expends time or materials turning on or off water supply to a property, or repairing any leaking or damaged water service line or portion thereof, all costs incurred by the Town shall be paid by the property owner to the Town as water service charges and billed, collected and enforced as set forth in Section 13-58 below. (Ord. 345 §5, 1992; Ord. 539 §2, 2001)

Rental Properties

Owners who rent out their properties have 3 options for handling with their water and/or sewer bills:

  1. Keep the bill in the owner’s name and mailing address.
  2. Change bill into a management agency’s name and mailing address*.
  3. Change bill into the tenant’s name and mailing address*.

*Note:  As stated in the Notice to Landlords and Tenants Regarding Rental Property, all owners of a rental property served within the Town of Nederland ultimately are responsible for payment of their account and remain responsible even when tenant occupied. The Town will not seek collection for final payment from any previous tenant. The Town must have a current Billing Authorization Form on file to add any tenant name or Management Agency name to your account.

Notice to Landlords and Tenants Regarding Rental Property

Water-Sewer Authorization Form

New Water/Sewer Hook-Ups

Plant Investment and Tap Fees

When a resident hooks up to the water and sewer systems, two separate fees are charged.

The plant investment fee (PIF) is a fee to recoup the cost of the investment made to build the infrastructure that supports the entire system (water plant, tanks, pipe network, etc. in the case of the water system). It can also help pay for new infrastructure when it comes time to upgrade or expand.

The tap fee is an additional fee to physically connect to the system.

Penalty Fees
PIF Penalty Fee:  $240.00 / Per Day
30-day Late Fee:  5% of amount owed
60-day Late Fee:  5% of amount owed

Water Plant Investment and Tap Fees

The 2025 water PIF fees are:

3/4" Tap$46,285.00
1" Tap$76,788.00
1½" Tap$154,284.00
2" Tap$246,857.00
3" Tap$439,713.00
4" Tap$771,427.00

Multi-family developments: additional charge per square foot (all meter sizes) $2.00/sqft

The 2025 water tap fee is $1,100.00.

Sewer Plant Investment and Tap Fees

The 2025 sewer PIF fees are:

3/4" Tap$21,511.00
1" Tap$35,686.00
1½" Tap$71,703.00
2" Tap$114,725.00
3" Tap$204,355.00
4" Tap$358,517.00

Multi-family developments: additional charge per square foot (all meter sizes) $2.00/sqft

The 2025 sewer tap fee is $1,000.00.