Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.


Pay a Bill or Fee

Utility Bills, Licenses, and Permit Fees

All Utility bills, licenses, and permit fees can be paid at Town Hall.

We can accept payments at the front desk during business hours, or they can be left in our Payment Drop Box outside at any time. They can also be sent to our mailing address below. Currently, Town Hall is only able to accept Cash, Personal Checks, Money Orders, or Cashier’s Checks. Checks should be made out to Town of Nederland.

NOTE Payments need to be received in Town Hall by 6pm on the specified due date to be considered timely (regardless of postmark date when mailed). If a payment due date lands on a Saturday or Sunday, any payment collected from the Payment Drop Box by 6:30am the following Monday will be considered on time.

Mailing Address: PO Box 396, Nederland, CO 80466

Utility bills can be paid online using a Credit or Debit Card by clicking the button below:

Pay a Utility Bill Online

More information about Utility Billing can be found on the Utility Billing Page.

Tickets, Fines, and Court-Issued Fees

Police- and court-issued fees, fines, and tickets are set by State law or the Municipal Court judge. Town staff do not have the authority to alter or amend the amount of any police- or court-issued fee, fine, or ticket.

Credit card payments are accepted for police fines, fees, and tickets only. Payments can be made online using the button below:

Pay a Fine or Ticket Online

Town Fee Schedule

The Town Fee Schedule, enacted each year by the Board of Trustees, governs the charging of fees. These amounts can change from year to year, so please check the fee schedule or application before writing a check.

The town of Nederland is allowed by State and Municipal law to recover, through the collection of fees, the expense of some of the work it does on behalf of residents. These fees are intended solely to cover the cost of processing various application and permits, including any background research or other staff time that may be necessary.

Any questions concerning Town fees may be directed to the Town Clerk, stopping by Town Hall during normal business hours, or through our Contact Us page.

Check the Town Fee Schedule