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Ordinances & Municipal Code

Ordinances are municipal laws enacted by the Town Board of Trustees. An ordinance requires one reading before the Board of Trustees. The ordinance is first introduced and presented to the Board of Trustees by town staff during a Board of Trustees meeting. After its reading, the Mayor will ask for public comment on the issue - this is done as part of the public hearing portion of the meeting - before being voted on. An ordinance requires approval of a majority of present Board of Trustees members in order to be adopted, and will become law thirty days after it is published. An Emergency Ordinance requires the approval of two-thirds of the entire Board in order to be adopted, and becomes law immediately upon adoption.

Ordinances are incorporated into the Nederland Municipal Code with each publication of the Code. If you can't find a specific ordinance, contact the Town Clerk at (303) 258-3266.

The Nederland Municipal Code (NMC) is the local law governing the Town.

The Code is enacted by the Town Board of Trustees as a series of ordinances and published together as a Code. The most recent codification, Supplement 11, was done in December, 2020, and has been codified through Ordinance No. 813.

Code Enforcement

Since 2016, Nederland Code Enforcement has been handled by SAFEbuilt. The motivation for contracting SAFEbuilt is largely due to a lack of personnel and resources for in-house enforcement.

In the past, code enforcement was managed by the Nederland Police Department, which not only created a punitive impression of code enforcement but also directed police attention and resources away from more important public safety issues. Furthermore, it is more cost-efficient to use a professional firm on a contracted basis than to employ an individual in a full-time position. Using an outside third-party also provides greater objectivity, negating the risk of personal bias when it comes to enforcement, and ensures that no special favors or personal relationships between the code enforcement officer and residents undermine the process.

SAFEbuilt serves communities nationwide, but is based locally in Loveland, Colorado.

  Learn More About Code Enforcement and SAFEbuilt