About the Board of Trustees
The Nederland Board of Trustees (BOT) serves as the legislative and governing body of the Town of Nederland and is comprised of individuals with a wide variety of backgrounds, personalities, values, opinions, and goals.
- The Board of Trustees roles and responsibilities are to establish Town policies and goals and adopt laws, ordinances and resolutions as needed to conduct the business of the Town.
- The Board of Trustees consists of seven members (six Trustees and one mayor).
- The Trustees are elected at large in a general municipal election and serve for four-year terms, except the Mayor, who serves for two-year terms.
- Trustees must live within Town limits.
- The Mayor appoints a Mayor Pro Tem, who presides over the Board in the Mayor’s absence.
- The Board’s directives are carried out by Town staff, led by the Town Administrator.
- The Board of Trustees values citizen input and ideas on all issues related to the Town of Nederland. Input is welcome at regular Board meetings, through citizen communication forms at town hall, or electronically.
Meeting Details
The Board of Trustees meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the Month, with optional Work Session Meetings on the second Tuesday of the Month. A list of upcoming Board of Trustees meetings can be found in the calendar below. To join a meeting, simply click the date of the meeting you wish to join, and then click the Website link to join the meeting remotely. You can also call in by using the phone number.
Board of Trustees

Billy Giblin
Term: 2024 - 2026
Tierney Maris
Term: 2024 - 2026
Clerk to the Board of Trustees
Macy Caligaris
Town Clerk
Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings
All current and past Board of Trustees agendas, minutes, and documents can be found on the Town of Nederland CivicWeb page. To access the Board of Trustees page, click the button below. Past Board of Trustees Meetings can be found on the Town of Nederland YouTube page. *NOTE* Not all Board of Trustees meetings are recorded.
The Nederland Board of Trustees meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Until further notice, all meetings are held online via WebEx. Links can be found in the calendar above.
The Board of Trustees is committed to the attached Working Agreements for all meetings and workshops of all Town Boards and Commissions:
- We start and end on time.
- We listen for understanding.
- We are open to all ideas.
- We don't interrupt the speaker.
- We are hard on issues, not the person.
- We disagree respectfully.
- We use mediation to resolve conflict.
- We do our homework and are brief and concise.
Board of Trustees meeting agendas are finalized one week prior to regular meetings. Meeting packets are available to residents online via the CivicWeb link above and for pick-up at Town Hall by the end of the day Friday before regular meetings.
To request to be added to the Board’s agenda, please complete the Request to be Added Form. (This is different from the 3-minute public comment periods.)
The Board of Trustees meeting is the process of making and amending laws, developing policy and making decisions for governing your Town, by citizens who you have elected to the Board. The Board follows a regular order of business in its meeting. Four members of the Board constitute a quorum and may conduct Town business. The Town Code limits debate among the Trustees by requiring that no Trustee shall be allowed to speak more than once upon any one subject until every other member choosing to speak shall have spoken, and no member shall speak more than twice upon any one subject, nor for longer than 10 minutes without consensus of the Board of Trustees.
The Board conducts business by taking action in the form of:
- Board of Trustee agenda items are divided primarily into Discussion Items and Action Items. Most issues and documents will come before the the Board of Trustees twice — first as a Discussion Item and then as an Action Item. When an item appears for Discussion, the Board spends quite a bit of time deliberating the issue and listening to staff and resident input. This Discussion period is the opportunity for public input. When the item reappears as an Action Item, usually at the next meeting, it is not supposed to be re-discussed; the only conversation at the Action level is for the Trustees to explain how they view the issue and the basis for their yea or nay vote. The Mayor will usually take public comment, but will not allow a full re-opening of the dialogue absent a motion by a Board member. Most issues before the Board are not legally required to receive two appearances before the Board — the exceptions are ordinances and some zoning issues. Most Discussion Items can be called for a final vote at the motion of a Board member. Typically, however, Board members follow the two-appearance guideline to allow for adequate deliberation before voting occurs.
- Ordinances are municipal laws enacted by the Town Board of Trustees. An ordinance requires two readings before the Board of Trustees. An ordinance is introduced and presented to the Board of Trustees by Town staff. The Mayor asks for public comment on the issue (this is the public hearing portion). An ordinance requires approval of a majority of those members present for adoption, and it becomes law 30 days after it is published. An emergency ordinance requires the approval of two-thirds of the entire Board to be adopted, and it becomes law immediately upon adoption. Ordinances are incorporated into the Nederland Municipal Code with each publication of the Code.
- Resolutions are enacted by the Town Board of Trustees and carry weight, but not the weight of law. They are not legally binding, but more like acknowledgments of Board priorities and projects. A resolution may be adopted expressing the policy of the Board or directing administration action. It requires one reading and public comments are solicited. A resolution usually becomes effective immediately.
- Motions are used to indicate Board approval of a procedural action, such as to approve a report or recommendation. It may also be used to authorize Board members or Town staff to take certain actions. The Mayor calls for public comment before the Board votes on motions.
- Referrals/Tabling occurs when the Board is not prepared to take definite action or when further study is needed. The matter may be tabled or referred to Town staff for research and study. The Board will generally designate the date on which action will be taken on a referred matter.
Residents are encouraged to attend Board of Trustee meetings. At the meetings, there are multiple opportunities for public comment. Members of the public can register to comment on items on the agenda; they will be called upon to speak for a maximum of three minutes, when the agenda item is being heard, and in the order in which they signed up. Members of the public may also register to comment on general issues of concern not included on the agenda; they will be called upon to speak during the “Public Comment” portion of the agenda, will be limited to three minutes. Finally, members of the public will be permitted to comment throughout the meeting, when recognized by the Mayor, for a maximum of one minute per comment. All comments will be made part of the public record, as will the commentator’s name and address.
Please review the Board of Trustees’ guidelines for public participation:
The Board of Trustees meets occasionally for work sessions on specific topics that need more in-depth discussion or briefings. Announcements regarding Board work sessions are posted at Town Hall no less than 24 hours prior to the session. Members of the public are always invited to attend, although public comment may be limited depending on time constraints.
Periodically, the Board of Trustees holds public hearings on certain topics. These are to solicit input and feedback on issues before the BOT. These range in topic from water rates changes to development design reviews. Hearings are usually mandated by law or as an appeal to an Advisory Board decision. Notice of public hearings will be provided at least 10 days prior to the hearing.
Nederland Municipal Code Section 2:21, describes the Board of Trustees:
“The legislative and corporate authority of the Town shall be vested in a Board of Trustees, consisting of one (1) Mayor and six (6) Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall constitute the legislative body of the Town and shall have the power and authority, except as otherwise provided by statute, to exercise all power conferred upon or possessed by the Town, and shall have the power and authority to adopt such laws, ordinances and resolutions as it shall deem proper in the exercise thereof.”
The Town of Nederland is a statutory town, which means it is governed by the Colorado Revised Statutes.