Town of Nederland business licenses are required for all businesses located and/or conducting business within the Town of Nederland, whether they collect sales tax or not. This includes home-based businesses and non-profits as well as more traditional commercial, store-front businesses. Information on applicable fees is available on our Fee Schedule.
For a good, simple overview of why businesses need a business license, please click here.
*All Business Licenses within the Town of Nederland in a brick-and-mortar location will require a building permit for a Change of Occupancy (if the same type of use) or a Change of Use (if converting to a different use). The applicant/tenant should ensure due diligence to be assured that the space to be converted is able to accommodate necessary changes.
Nederland Sales Tax Breakdown - Updated 2023
Town of Nederland* - 4.25%
Boulder County - 1.185%
State of Colorado - 2.90%
RTD and other districts - 1.10%
Total - 9.435%
*Includes 2.25% for the General Fund, 0.25% for Streets, 0.50% for Water, 0.50% for Sewer, and 0.75% for the Community Center
General Business Licenses
If you are launching a new business in Nederland, you can find information on our business licensing process here. A great way to get started is by reading through our New Business Resource Guide, as well as Ordinance 689 - which regards amendments to business licenses. Afterwards, you can fill out the New Business License Application and deliver it to Town Hall to start the licensing process.
Use the Renewal Form ONLY IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO CHANGES TO THE BUSINESS WITHIN THE PAST YEAR. Business Licenses are due to be renewed annually.
Business Change of Use
All new businesses that have a storefront will require a building permit for a Change of Occupancy Life Safety Inspection, which can be incorporated in a Change of Use or building alteration permit if required. Other permits may be applicable, see below for related review and permits:
Nederland Building Permit Application - Minor Changes
Display Permits
The Town of Nederland's Municipal Code requires all signs posted within Town limits to be approved and permitted, with a few exceptions. For full information regarding signs in the Town of Nederland, see Municipal Code Chapter 18, Article V.
Sign Permit Application Packet
Sidewalk Display Permit Application
A Peddler/Solicitor Permit is required for any business that goes door to door, sells on the street, or does not have a permanent site. Outside of the permit, the business also needs to obtain permission from the property owner before setting up shop.
For additional information on business licenses or the application process, please contact the Town Clerk at (303) 258-3266 ex.1030, send us an email, or stop by Town Hall.
Marijuana Business Licenses
Marijuana-related businesses - whether they are medical, retail, and/or cultivation - must fill out the appropriate marijuana business licenses with the town in addition to their state licensing. No marijuana may be sold - at any time, for any purpose, at any location in Town - without valid State and local licenses.
Marijuana-Related Ordinances
Ordinance 690 - Medical Marijuana Business Licenses
Ordinance 720 - Regulation of Marijuana
Ordinance 721 - Concerning the Regulation of Marijuana, to Clarify the Respective Roles of the Town Clerk and the Town Board of Trustees