Friday, November 3rd 2023, 1:21pm
It's time for the November edition of the Mayor's Corner! In this monthly newsletter, mayor Billy Giblin goes into detail about the goings-on in Town and what's been going on with the Board of Trustees. Read it below!
Hello everyone! I hope you all are enjoying the fall weather and colors!
At this past Tuesday, October 17, 2023 BOT Meeting, Nederland Trustee John Mountain informed us of his resignation from the BOT for personal reasons. We appreciate all the time and energy that John gave the Town of Nederland as a Trustee. At the November 21, 2023 BOT Meeting, we will decide whether we will fill John's vacancy by appointment or election. I encourage all registered electors of the Town of Nederland to consider joining us on the BOT, whether we decide to appoint or go to election. It is a VERY interesting role we get to play in our Town, and we need you. Also, there will be five seats up for re-election in April 2024.
Thank you Nederland Streets Department and the Nederland Downtown Development Authority for the repaving of the Visitor's Center Parking Lot, west portion of Lakeview Drive, the driveway to the Pedestrian Bridge, and the paving of the remainder of Big Springs Drive. If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions, we ask for respectful communication to the Town.
I attended the Boulder County Housing Summit on August 30, 2023, where numerous State, County, and Federal employees working in the affordable housing sector taught us about numerous resources and opportunities available to fund and implement affordable housing projects. I attended with Town of Nederland Administrator Dr. Miranda Fisher and many other mayors, town/city administrators, town/city trustees, and town/city/county staff from around Boulder County.
I attended NCBDR's Open House on the Planned Unit Development for the Downtown Area on September 10, 2023, to learn more about NCBDR's newest plans. I had some productive discussions. I request that as many residents as possible review the plans, ask questions, and give comments. This is a pivotal time for Nederland, and we need to know what all our residents think about the future of our downtown and the future of our community.
I joined a large group of local folks in witnessing the Snyder's Garage demolition on September 12, 2023.
I attended the Nederland & Timberline Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) meeting at the Goldminder Hotel in Eldora on September 27, 2023; participating in an interactive exercise to provide our input on the CWPP. On a related note, sign up for FREE emergency alerts at:
I attended the Rebrand Nederland Focus Group on October 17, 2023, at Kathmandu Restaurant. There were there more groups on October 20, October 24, and October 28, 2023, with more being scheduled for this month. We need your input about how (or if) you want to see Nederland branded or rebranded.
Thank you Eldora Mountain Resort for continuing to feature Happenings in Nederland in your Newsletter. We appreciate your support in promoting Nederland, and we are building our partnership with Eldora to benefit the Peak-to-Peak region.
On August 1, 2023, we approved by consent Warrants, BOT Meeting Minutes, PROSAB Appointment of KC Cunilio from alternate to regular board member, and NDDA Resolutions (River Walk Funding, Pump Track Initial Design [due to diligence on feasibility], Administrative Funding). We learned about $7,000 in funding that we received from the 2023 Boulder County Economic Vitality Grant. We approved Supplemental Budget to cover Town staff pay increases and adjust some other budget items.
On August 15, 2023, we approved by consent Warrants, BOT Meeting Minutes, and the contract with JVA to complete a Big Springs Egress Study. Staff Reports and BOT Reports were shared. We approved the well, sewer, and cistern variances at 24333 Peak to Peak Highway. We deliberated and approved the 2023-2024 Town of Nederland Strategic Plan. We discussed the STR Code Amendment considerations and directed Town Staff and the Planning Commission to research them more.
On September 5, 2023, we approved by consent Warrants, BOT Meeting Minutes, Contract with Godot Communications, Inc. for the Branding and Market Strategy, release of the RFP for IT Support Services, and a Letter of Support for the Boulder County Parks & Open Space to apply for a design grant for the rehabilitation of the Historic Tucker Property on Caribou Road. We were given an update from the Boulder County Sheriff's Office about law enforcement, and a Community Protection Presentation from the Office of the Boulder County District Attorney.
We interviewed consultants SE Group and Norris Design and selected SE Group to update Nederland's Comprehensive Plan. We directed Town staff to draft an Ordinance repealing Ordinance 837 (100 First Street Rezone); to return this property to High Density Residential. We committed to Proposition 123 to increase our affordable housing by 9 percent over the next three years. This will provide access to project and program funding for Nederland and for local housing partners (nonprofits, developers, residents, and other third-party entities).
On September 19, 2023, we approved by consent Warrants, BOT Meeting Minutes, Proposition 123 Commitment, and the SE Group contract for the Comprehensive Plan update. We shared Staff Reports and BOT Reports. We approved the Subdivision Process Variance Request for the Wingate Property, and we approved the repeal of the 100 First Street Rezone. We directed Town staff and the Planning Commission to work on drafting recommended code language for paid parking as well as a use group table amendment identifying parking as a use.
On October 3, 2023, we approved by consent Warrants, BOT Meeting Minutes, Nederland Community Center Lease Renewal for Nederland Area Seniors, and Contract Execution Authorization for the Nederland Raw Water Improvements Project with Rice Lake West. We approved Resolutions supporting Boulder County's November 2023 Ballot Initiatives 1A (Open Space Sales and Use Tax Extension and Revenue Change) and 1B (Affordable Housing Sales and Use Tax Extension).
We interviewed Zoe Welz and Kate Yzuierdo and decided to appoint Kate Yzquierdo as the PROSAB Alternate. We deliberated and approved a six-month moratorium on new STR Licenses to give Town staff and the Planning Commission time to evaluate, research, and draft any amendments to STR Codes. Lastly, TEENS Inc. presented their request to lease the Old Town Shop lot from the Town of Nederland so it can be develped as a childcare center. It was great to have so many people at the meeting for this discussion and so many public comments. We directed Town staff to research options for this proposal.
On October 17, 2023, we approved by consent Warrants, BOT Meeting Minutes, and rescheduling a regular November BOT Meeting to a Work Session. Staff Reports and BOT Reports were shared. Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA) presented on the services EFAA provides to Nederland and the Peak-to-Peak. We unanimously approved the Peak-to-Peak Volunteer Driver Pilot Program, deliberated and unanimously approved the Proposition 123 Commitment based on the Boulder County AMI, and in a split vote, approved the Sustainability Advisory Board's Capstone project proposal to the CU Boulder Masters of the Environment (MENV) Program.
November/December meetings: 2024 Town Budget, Trustee Vacancy, Teens Inc. Childcare Proposal for the Old Town Shop Lot, Plastic Bag & Styrofoam Ban Ordinance, NMC Election Section Amendments, Housing Needs Assessment Ordinances, Keeping Animals Ordinance, Emergency Operations Plan, NMC Parking Code Addition, Employee Handbook Amendment, Industrial Pretreatment Ordinance, and Watershed Protection Ordinance.
PLEASE LET US KNOW what you think! We encourage all comments, and we need you to let us know if there are problems. We read all emails, letters, and comments that we receive and weigh them all as we make decisions.
Billy Giblin
Mayor of the Town of Nederland
How to get involved:
- Attend BOT Meetings in-person or virtually every 1st and 3rd Tuesday, with optional work sessions every 2nd Tuesday.
- Contact the Town of Nederland:
- Phone: (303) 258-3266
- Mail: PO Box 396, Nederland, CO 80466
- In-Person at Town Hall
- Email the BOT