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Nederland Comprehensive Plan RFP - Questions & Answers

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Thursday, August 10 2023, 2:14pm

Below are the responses to the questions that Town of Nederland received regarding the Nederland Comprehensive Plan Update (RFP 23-004).

Proposals for the Comprehensive Plan Update are due Wednesday, August 16th by 4:00pm. Read the full RFP here:

Q.) Can you clarify the scope of the hazards assessment referenced within Task 3 and Desired Qualification #8?

  • The comprehensive plan should incorporate information on how to reduce risk and vulnerability to people, infrastructure, and natural systems. By incorporating hazard mitigation into the comprehensive plan, the Town can align its future development decisions with an overarching goal of reducing disaster losses. Integrating hazard mitigation into the comprehensive plan is essential as it relates to future land use, conservation, public facilities and services, transportation, capital improvements, housing, historic preservation, economic development, recreation and open space, environment/natural resources, and implementation.

Q.) Please confirm that the Housing Needs Assessment, Multimodal Transportation Plan, and Branding and Marketing Strategy are separate projects and excluded from this scope.

  • Correct. The Housing Needs Assessment, Multimodal Transportation Plan, and Branding and Marketing Strategy are all separate plans and excluded form the scope. However, we are expecting the consultant selected for the comprehensive plan to work alongside the consultants hired for those three plans to make sure that the comprehensive plan encompasses their work. Bohannan Huston is the consultant working on the Housing Needs Assessment and we are working on finalizing a contract with Fehr & Peers for the Multimodal Transportation Plan. The RFP for the Branding and Marketing Strategy closed on August 3, 2023. We are currently evaluating those proposals and aim to have a consultant elected by the end of August.

Q.) In section 2.0 Compensation, Subsection 2.1 Park A states that "The Contractor shall perform the Services and shall invoice the Town for work performed based on the rates and/or compensation methodology described in Exhibit B." Can you please provide this Exhibit?

  • Attachment 1 in the RFP (starting on p.16) is a sample professional services agreement. Exhibit B would be a document that is prepared between the Town of Nederland and the consultant outlining the rates and/or compensation methodology that is agreed upon after a consultant has been selected for the project. Therefore, there is nothing to provide at this time for "Exhibit B."

Q.) It is expected that we will incur printing and travel expenses while performing the tasks required in the Scope of Services (engagement activities, printed final documents, attendance at meetings, etc.). Based on the information of Section 2.0, Subsection 2.1, Part B - it seems that such expenses are not considered reimbursable expenses. Can you please clarify and confirm this policy?

  • Attachment 1 in the RFP (starting on p.16) is a sample professional services agreement and was added to the RFP as an example of what the agreement might look like. This agreement is subject to negotiation after the consultant has been selected.

Q.) In the Task 3 Deliverables List, the RFP states "If the proposer is chosen to provide architectural design services, provide modeling, analyses, and concepts for future development within the Central Business District (with the potential to expand the area), inclusive of building architectural design and character standards such as scale, mass, styles, materials, textures and forms." When in the process will staff decide if this task is deemed necessary or desired? Should our response assume this as a potential added service?

  • The Board of Trustees is interested in doing a subarea plan as a part of the comprehensive plan, which will focus specifically on development within the Central Business District. Therefore, it is recommended that consultants incorporate this service into the proposal.

Q.) When do you expect the final project deliverable (final plan, adopted by BOT) to be completed by? End of 2024?

  • We would like to have the final plan adopted by the Board of Trustees by December 2024.

Q.) Page 10 states that the consultant will provide "on-call services, as needed and as deemed appropriate by the Town, to execute portions of the Comprehensive Plan based on Town resources, additional/available grant funding, prioritization of Comprehensive Plan elements, and/or a determination by the Town that ongoing professional services are required to more effectively implement the Comprehensive Plan objectives, and to further the Town's strategic priorities." This is hard to pin down a budget for the plan. Can we provide an hourly rate for implementation beyond the completion of the project?

  • Yes, please provide an hourly rate for consultant services after the completion of the comprehensive plan.

What is the budget range for this project? This is more than a typical Comp Plan project especially with the additional Chapter 16 code review portions and the CBD sub area planning and Design Review Guidelines. An estimate will help us with our detailed scope of services responses and price proposal. We did a similar scope for Minturn and it was around $200k.

  • The budget for the comprehensive plan is $200,000. Town was awarded $100,000 from the Department of Local Affairs Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund Grant, which requires a match of $100,00.

Q.) Just want to confirm that the HNA, MMTP, and Branding and Marketing Strategy Projects are separate projects that are related to this Comp Plan update, but not part of this scope of work. Is this correct?

  • Correct. The Housing Needs Assessment, Mutlimodal Transportation Plan, and Branding and Marketing Strategy  are all separate plans and are excluded from the scope. However, we are expecting the consultant selected for the comprehensive plan to work alongside the consultants hired for those three plans to make sure that the comprehensive plan encompasses their work. Bohannan Huston is the consultant working on the Housing Needs Assessment and we are working on finalizing a contract with Fehr & Peers for the Multimodal Transportation Plan. The RFP for the Branding and Marketing Strategy closed on August 3, 2023. We are currently evaluating those proposals and aim to have a consultant elected by the end of August.

Q.) On page 10, the RFP notes that the selected consultant will "provide on-call services, as needed and as deemed appropriate by the Town..." Additional on-call services are not included in the Scope of Services detailed later. Can you expand on what might be included in those on-call services, and how we should scope and cost that for the proposal?

  • These would be on-call services after the completion of the comprehensive plan should the Town want to seek out additional supports from the consultant regarding plan implementation. it is recommended that the consultant provide rates and/or compensation methodology for those additional services should they be needed.

Q.) On page 11, under the Desired Qualifications, number 12 indicates a desire for the consultant to have experience "performing growth management, real estate and fiscal/economic development analysis through modeling, scenario planning and analysis..." However, I do not see scenario modeling as a desired task in the Scope of Services. Is that a task that you would like us to integrate into our approach?

  • Yes, the Town is interested in working with a consultant team that has that experience, especially as it relates to existing and potential enhancement of commercially oriented zoning and development incentives. The Town is looking to do subarea plans as a part of the comprehensive plan that focuses on our Central Business District development. In addition, the Town has identified economic development and revenue growth as an area of focus in their 2023-2024 Strategic Plan, which is set to be adopted at the Board of Trustees meeting on August 15, 2023.

Q.) On page 12, number 17 of the Desired Qualifications specifies experience in completing parking analyses and studies. I don't see a parking study as a task or deliverable in the Scope of Services, so I'm hoping you could clarify the intent of that specific qualification? With the Multimodal Transportation Plan getting started, I'm curious what level of focus the Comprehensive Plan will need in regards to transportation planning?

  • The Multimodal Transportation Plan will evaluate the Town's parking as a part of the scope of work. The expectation is that the consultant working on the comprehensive plan will incorporate those findings and possibly add on to any recommendations provided by Fehr & Peers (consultants working on the Multimodal Transportation Plan) to ensure that there is a well-defined plan for how to address the parking challenges the Town faces.

Q.) On page 17, I just wanted to clarify that no reimbursable expenses will be allowed as part of the compensation?

  • Attachment 1 in the RFP (starting on p.16) is a sample professional services agreement and was added to the RFP as an example of what the agreement might look like. This agreement is subject to negotiation after the consultant has been selected.