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NDDA Economic Vitality Funding Application

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Friday, August 19th, 2022, 4:51pm

The Town of Nederland applies and received funding from the 2022 Boulder County Economic Vitality Grant. The Town, in collaboration with the Nederland Downtown Development Authority (NDDA) will use the economic vitality funds to support local businesses who have struggled to bounce back economically as a result of COVID-19. Specifically, the Town and NDDA will provide grant funding to businesses who apply to cover operating expenses, provide bonuses to employees as appreciation for working through the pandemic, and/or purchase PPE.


Please submit the application and all back up documentation by 5pm on Friday, September 16, 2022.

Download the Application

Applications can be submitted via:
Mail: PO Box 396, Nederland CO 80466
Drop Off: 45 W 1st St, Nederland, CO 80466