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Public Works

Public Works maintains the streets, water & wastewater utilities, parks, and public buildings around Nederland. The Town Shop is located on Ridge Rd, behind the Boulder County Shop site.


Seven Days a Week - 7am to 4pm

Contact Us

Public Works Shop - (303) 258-3167
Water Plant - (303) 258-7985
Wastewater Treatment Facility - (303) 258-3088

*Note* Public Works is usually working off-site, so please leave a message. If it is urgent, call Town Hall for assistance.

Public Works Logo in Green

Streets Supervisor

Joshua Davis

Lead Utilities Operator

Andrew Bliss

Parks Manager

Nicki Dunn


Public Works is responsible for water treatment, transmission, distribution, and meter reading; wastewater collection and treatment; stormwater collection; streets, right-of-way maintenance, and signage; parks and trails maintenance; cemetery care and interments; Town building and fleet maintenance; and construction inspection.

Public Works is NOT responsible for repair or maintenance of water service lines. The Nederland Municipal Code indicates that such repair and maintenance is the owner's responsibility under Sec. 13-55. - Service Lines.

Public Works Departments


The Streets Department oversees Nederland's various roads, working to maintain their integrity all year long. They are also responsible for installing culverts, signage, and right-of-way maintenance. In the winter, Streets is responsible for plowing the roads in town.

The Parks Department focuses on the maintenance of the various parks around Nederland. They are responsible for maintaining Guercio and Chipeta park, as well as the many pocket parks in town, and cleaning the public restrooms at the Visitor Center and Chipeta. They are also responsible for maintaining the trails within town boarders, and the various beautification projects that happen around Nederland.


The Utilities Department handles both Nederland's water and wastewater management. This includes monitoring water pH and mineral levels, hydrant and line flushing, water meter readings, and utility billing. They release an annual Drinking Water Quality Report, and keep updated information to help inform residents of best practices for helping maintain our water quality.

  Go To The Wastewater Treatement Facility

Aspen Trees